Super Script ...

 I'm a sucker for good handlettering. These are no exception. Check out more amazingness on Matthew Tapia's tumblr.

via (Aubrey Road)


1. Tiffany Kadani said...

I love handlettering! So fun and personal. Thank you! Going over there right now!

2. l o v e l y t h i n g s said...

I love it too...there's just something so personal about it.

3. Jenny | Aubrey Road said...

yay! love the post title!

4. Melissa Blake said...

I love these -- my handwriting used to be so much better. Now, since I really hand-write anything anymore, it's really bad!

5. l o v e l y t h i n g s said...

I adore hand lettering and the more I'm on my computer the worse mine gets. This has inspired me to keep practicing....I'm going to attempt to write a hand lettered Christmas message on my glass front door. I have the paint/chalk water based markers....just can't bring myself to start.

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