2. "Where is my Pizzicato Five CD?! I can't find it anywhere!" That was about 6 years ago when I was trying to download it to my iTunes. And here it was the whole time left in the Sony boom box. That's right I said "boom box." By the way, their song "Twiggy Twiggy" is the best take-you-to-your-happy-place song ever. Has the best beat and makes me move every time. And even though it's in Japanese, I know all the words. And so will you.
3. Had forgotten all about these great chairs that I got from my friend Juliet. I had them in the house for a bit but then decided to get them re-upholstered and then I got married, had two kids and forgot. But I think I'm going to keep these and finally get them done. Alex I'll be calling you.
4. This is one of the few Hermés boxes I stole/inherited from a friend of mine who had just received her entire dinner set. I know insane. Awesomely insane. I intended to stack them on our coffee table but then P (K wasn't born yet) started climbing furniture and we had to do away with anything of value below 2 ft. from the ground. I will find a home for you orange boxes, oh yes I will.
you sure know how to make me laugh early in the morning:) as a matter of fact, you had me laughing all last night as well. this is why i heart you so! glad you kept those adorable shoes. i have kept all of harpers "firsts". good luck with the move and i am sure to see you soon! xoxo.
I absolutely love how the orange hermes box has become a thing of value. And you discovered a whole chair? It's fantastic and I hope you find somewhere to use it in your new home. And I'm glad you didn't sell those shoes, especially since they seem to bring a flood of happy emotions. It's fantastic what you find when moving, isn't it? I hope there's more for you to discover this weekend -- good luck with everything, Haydee!
I love that you kept the Hermes box to show off (awesome!), lost an entire chair (huh?) and still call them boom boxes. You are so my kind of gal!
How in HHHHHEEEELLLLLLz bells do you forget about those chairs?! I LOVE them! I am even more concerned that you forgot about the Hermes box. I am little stressed over this. Oh wait no - it's just the wind from my ceiling fan. We're good. {wink}
Those shoes are just the cutest!! I am so glad you saved them to pass along!
I remember being in 5th grade and DYING for a Sony boom box that would play CDs! haha
Oh my! Those shoes are so cute I want to cry! Love your re-finds... don't they call them boom boxes anymore? yikes!
How in the world did you have time to take these photos and post?? you are superwoman!!! Good luck love, I can't even think about how much I will miss you!!!!!!!!!!
Those chairs are amazing!! I can see a bright exploded floral print.
Love the trips down memory lane...
good luck on your move and I WILL see you soon.
You found some treasures!
I'm with Bianca. You forgot about those chairs?! Crazy talk that is.
I had a blast last night and I needed the laughs bad! Good luck with everything this weekend and I hope to see you again soon!
ahahahaha! wind from the ceiling fan... love it! you didn't find any prada gems?! haydes, good luck with everything this weekend and don't forget about us! visit and let's have a kegger at your new pad! ;)
OMG thanks for reminding me how much I like Pizzocato 5, haven't listended to them for at least 10 years! Good luck with your move x
I've totally 'kicked' myself for getting rid of little shoes (and other keepsakes) that should have been saved. Good thing you had someone to knock sense into you:).
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