OMG you guys ... I had no idea I'd be without the internets for so dang long! Ugh, how annoying for me and apparently for some of you too. Thank you for the emails, FB messages and the sort. Didn't realize how missed I was. To say that I missed you guys is an understatement. I've spent the last three days living in the sad margins of internet life. This illustration from one of my favorite blogs
Hyperbole and a Half expresses my glee of having the internet back beautifully. Allie describes this particular emotion as an "attention-deficient squirrel on PCP." Yup, that's me. Not sure if I can get back to you and all of my fave blogs fast enough.
So the move. It went well. I had the eye of the tiger for the first 10 hours but the look in my eye quickly changed from fierce tiger to tired, food-deprived, little wet dog. Moving is exhausting! Quick virtual high five to my SIL Christiane for helping with the kids all weekend:) I'm still unpacking things but the gist of it is in place. Yay. We're loving our new house and the neighbors I've met so far are super cool. And of course we have the internet again. So tell me, what have I missed?
i heart saying "the internets' too
I'm so thrilled you're back! And I'm back too! I'm still a bit jet lagged and the errands don't seem to end, but I'm finally returning to normal. Phew! Do you still have lots of boxes left to deal with? How's the new place?
Welcome back! Lets see, you missed all the posts welcoming Fall and Fashion Week. I think that's about it. So glad the move went well. Have an awesome time in your new pad!
The hardest part is done, and unpacking is so much fun! Welcome to your new home, and to the Internet : )
Finally! I miss(ed) you.
Welcome back!!! And congrats on getting the move done. It'll be so cool having you guys closer to us.
What a hilarious photos, so glad things are falling into place, you are so funny. I miss you!!! Trying not to think about it....
Woo Hoo! You're back! I'm glad the move went well and that you are loving your new place! Now you need to come right back and hang out with happy hour again. :)
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