Weekday mornings are usually filled with hustled preparation for school and work. But not today, we get to take it easy. Eric's off work for the holiday so we're getting crazy and going out to breakfast this morning–
yeah! We're off to the land of pancakes, waffles and syrup to break up the monotony of oatmeal, toast and smoothies–not bad I know, but not very exciting day after day. I love breakfast so much that as a kid my mom would let us have breakfast for dinner sometimes.
Did you ever do that?
Yes! Breakfast for dinner is my fave!! Actually, breakfast works for any meal :) I completely know what you mean - sometimes you just need that special breakfast meal to break up the monotony of what you have time to prepare every morning. Glad that day is today!! :) Have a wonderfully delicious breakfast!!
And Happy Fourth of July!! :)
Breakfast for dinner is my favorite! My Husband and I love those nights when it just feels like a pancake night or if we are not too hungry a bowl of cereal will just hit the spot. Yummy Yummy. Have a great weekend and Happy 4th.
breakfast for dinner feels like vacation! i love it. breakfast food is my favorite. have a great weekend! xo!
i love this photo!!! yummy!
We have breakfast for dinner all the time and going out for breakfast is my favorite!! but no makeup and messy hair has to be part of it...
um, breakfast for dinner was a staple in our household when i was a kid. and my mom never scolded me for drowning my pancakes in a pool of syrup. (i have since discovered the simple pleasures of buttered pancakes, sans syrup.) ENJOY your breakfast morning :-)
I did breakfast for dinner when I was young and I STILL do breakfast for dinner as an adult. It's one of my favorite things. I wish I could do an awesome spread like this every morning. Maybe if my bakery ever gets going, I will.
This is a STUNNING spread! I hope you enjoy your breakfast trip today! And have a great Fourth of July Weekend! xo
We often eat pancakes or waffles on Saturdays, there's something so comforting about it.
Happy 4th of July!
I love breakfast for dinner!! Another blogger did a post about that recently and she called it "brinner." I love having eggs and french toast!
This post has made me very hungry and has also made me miss my husband so much. Sigh. I love breakfast with him!
i agree - weekend breakfast is the best part of the week!! jx
I still do it! I am such a breakfast person (and hubby too) that french toast for dinner happens often!
I love this photo. I love breakfast. I love homemade maple syrup. I love breakfast for dinner at least once a week.
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