5th Anniversary ...

So I was checking out a LinkedIn notification on my app this morning, and low and behold I'm scrolling down and see "Haydee is celebrating 5 years at Happenstance." Whoa, that would be me. I had totally forgotten you guys! It's been 5 years since I started Happenstance and with all the preparation to launch Westerly Commons, it totally slipped my mind. Well almost. In honor of my fifth anniversary of blogging here I decided to reflect on five things that Happenstance has done for me ...

1. When I started this blog I had a 9 month old, and an almost 3 year old. While mommy duties were off the charts, this blog gave me the most wonderful creative outlet that allowed me to tap into and stay connected to my "self."

2. I have met some of the most amazingly, creative, generous, and gracious women through this blog. Some of which I went on to meet in person and have remained great friends with ever since. Priceless.

3. Using social media outlets over the years to promote new posts and other things really made me realize just how powerful social media is, and how important it is in the business arena. I call it word of mouth on steroids. It's so necessary.

4. Your comments. They never get old and remind me of what a wonderful thing it is to be able to connect with complete strangers who are like-minded. We really are connected you guys.

5. From the beginning I committed to only posting things that would be inspiring and positive. In doing so I've realized what a tool this blog has been in allowing me to contribute light into this world. It feels good every single time I hit "publish."

For those of you who have been followers since back in the day–thank you, thank you, thank you. Your comments and views have consistently encouraged me to keep going even when I felt like no one was out there, or worse that my creativity was running on empty. I've learned to let things just "be" and creativity will flow. And that's the truth. Group hug:)

Photo: Armando Rafael


Alex Musetti said...

Happy anniversary!

Tiffany Kadani said...

I ALWAYS love your posts and NEED your group hugs.

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