Okay, you guys. I had another
Master Class moment over the weekend. This time with the Oprah episodes. Usually they're one parters, but Oprah has a two part episode that is nothing short of awe inspiring. There's a moment where she talks about luck and what it means to her (
above). It captivated me so much that I had to rewind it 5 times to make sure I memorized it properly to keep with me forever. I think it's so great and so true. I often hear achieved people attribute a dash of luck to their success. But really, you had to be
somewhat prepared, albeit in a fortuitous kind of way, for the "luck" that was about to grace you.
Don't you think? In any case, I thought this would be a good quote to take with you into this new week. We all know what we want. But the question is, are you preparing for it?
Oprah's quote reminded me of another quote that I love very much. Like the luck quote, this one offers a translation of the things we seemingly cannot explain.
"Coincidences are small miracles in which God wishes to remain anonymous."
P.S. I just realized that last Friday's post was my 700th–crazy.
P.P.S. It looks like both episodes of
Oprah's Master Class will air again on Friday, April 8 at 9/8c in case you missed it.
What a wonderful Monday morning post, and so true! I love that top quote, and I think I might need to make it my daily mantra : )
Yes, I agree. Great quote!
Oprah always makes me stop and go "huh...". She always has these thought provoking questions that really make me stop and think.
Congrats on 700 posts!
I love both of these quotes! Thanks Haydee!
I love that quote and needed it today. Thanks so much for sharing!
THe quote is so true and is a great reminder (and a kick in the butt) to stay motivated.
700 posts! That's fantastic! Congrats lady!
"Success happens when preparation meets opportunity."
Chace Crawford said that in an interview... and then he said that his favorite beer is budlight.
why is oprah so awesome? she's a smart cookie... hence the gazillion dollar signs on her forehead.
These are so great, I am PSYCHED to be able to see these master classes that I somehow missed! Your posts are always so WORTHWHILE. I hope the model didn't get hurt when she landed on her bare feet on the cement.
Ha! That is my life right now...words to live by! xo
Awesome and inspiring post!! I'm totally going to watch those episodes!!
The Cheeky Cafe
I need this, thank you and congratulations.
I think Oprah has it precisely right. You can't wait for life to happen to you, you need to happen to it. If you open yourself up to possibilities, things will happen. I really believe that. I've gotta start watching these Oprah shows.
I still haven't managed to catch this show, but I've always loved this quote! In fact I was just discussing this with a friend the other day. It really is so true!
I did the same thing with Oprah's master class. Maya Angelou and Diane Sawyer had aha! moments for me as well. Glad I found someone else who loves the show!
thanks for this quote. I keep on thinking about it.
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