Mia The Most ...

Something tells me Mia would've had a great blog. She was after all, one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world just three short years ago.

Love her pixie and her always angelic smile.

Photo: Here


1. meredith said...

Oh I love Mia. She is definitely one of my style icons. And what a beautiful picture!

2. Marie said...

I love her too!:D

Beautiful face and great smile!:D

***** Marie *****

3. Chic Boutique Tour said...

I'm loving her style.

4. Gabriella {sensiblyluxe} said...

I would love it if there was a "Mia blog." After all, she was married to Frank Sinatra and is quite the do-gooder. I think it's lovely when people who are blessed really step up to the plate and give back.

5. jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

o my that would be interesting! she is just stunning.. xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams

6. Ms. Wood said...

Heard a great interview with Vidal Sassoon and the story behind how Polanski had commissioned him to cut it for Rosemary's Baby...they set it up with a boxing ring and photogs snapped away like crazy people

7. thais said...

oh yeah - a blog by mia. not a bad idea. lovely shot!

8. Heather Feemster said...

What a fantastic shot!!!!

9. TheBeautyFile said...

She is the empress of cool. I'm sorry, but anyone who could be married to such a kook like Woody deserves a BIG GOLD star in my book.

10. Dionne said...

I agree. And this pic is lovely.

11. Taylor Sterling said...

I agree--she is amazing!

12. Tiffany Kadani said...

She is so enigmatic and you can tell people just flocked to her.

13. Unknown said...

She really is amazing. I cant' believe it took me so long to watch Rosemary's Baby but I finally saw it this past October and love her so much now!

14. Lilly said...

I love Mia too! She has always been so beautiful and calm with an understated elegance about her. She always seems so sweet and composed, I admire her calm soothingness:) I wish she had a blog now, you're absolutely right, it would be AWESOME!! XO

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