Have To Give Her Credit ...

I've never been a big fan of Nicole Kidman even though I do think she is really pretty. Other than that, I always feel like she plays the "demure" card a little too strongly–especially on the red carpet. When I first saw this pic of Nicole from Lynn Hirschberg's Screen Test series for W magazine, I didn't think it was her. Disheveled hair? Heavy black liner? Safety pins holding her t-shirt together? She looks hot! And then I actually watched her screen test and was pleasantly surprised. Nicole, I love your personality in this and I hope to see it more often.


1. Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

Love this. Its nice to see the person behind their typecast roll. She looks gorgeous

2. Chassity (Look Linger Love) said...

Oh wow, agree. She does look so much hotter here with some attitude.

3. Anonymous said...

wow, indeed...something else! love her raw/scruffy look! ;) xoxo


4. Tiffany Kadani said...

Oh man, I totally love her. Even though I agree that her demure look on the red carpet is a little over the top I can't help but envy her beauty.

5. Unknown said...

I really dig Nicole. I didn't use to but then Moulin Rouge sealed the deal. She is HOT in this pic!

6. katie | hip hip shoe-ray! said...

I totally agree with you about her! for some reason that I can't quite pinpoint, she annoys me. but this picture is super hot. sometimes when I see her on the red carpet, I just want to mess up her hair. this would be the result, and I love it.

7. Brandi said...

I couldn't believe it was her at first either. This is definitely not the Nicole we're used to seeing, and I kinda wish we saw this side of her a bit more. I wonder what those movies would look like.

8. Kayla said...

She gorgeous. She's not my favorite but she might be now

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

9. Heather Feemster said...

This picture is soo hot! I actually think she's a fantastic actress, one of the best around.

10. jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

wow! i didnt even recognize her. love this photo. xoxo jcd cornflake dreams

11. TheBeautyFile said...

She totally looks like Sandy at the END of Grease. OH BOY. I love that you refer to stars by their first name. I do the same thing.

Happy almost TGIF!!

12. Gabriella {sensiblyluxe} said...

I was a Nicole Kidman fan to begin with, and this interview only made me like her more! It made her so relatable.

13. elissa @ faucethead said...

i agree! this photo is so unlike her usual stuff but i love it.

14. Melanie's Randomness said...

I couldn't agree more. She definitely should do more "Outside of her comfort Zone" roles!! =)

Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway!

15. julia wheeler said...

i never cared for her until watching that. i always thought she was a robot until i saw her personality in that interview! nice one, haydes!

16. Anonymous said...

love, love, love. i always appreciate hearing her speak in her normal voice with her heavy accent. i think she sounds too breathy and demure when she tries to get rid of her accent for a role. now if only she would loose the botox...

17. lindsey lowe said...

this pick of her is amazing!

18. House of Milk said...

I have an old photo of her where she's completely disheveled, barefoot on green grass, and chugging red wine straight from the bottle. It's amazing to see her as a wild child, and I wish she'd let loose again!

PS. Happy belated birthday!!!

19. lorraine pennington said...

i agree with all the other comments
we get to see a nicole that is more confident and with that more sexy.

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