Guaranteed this new
Alex Prager for
W November is going on my new
closet door (
until I can buy an original:). I
love people shots like this. I'm such a people watcher. Give me a cup of coffee and set me up in a high foot traffic environment like say, Disneyland, and I'm good. I can look at this shot many times and find something new. I especially like how the red-head in the blue blazer definitely knows something we don't know.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Group hug.
Ha, ha! Love this and there is nothing more fun than people watching!
Me too! I'm such a huge people watcher...and an eavesdropper :) Sometimes I get so excited when I overhear a good conversation! And when I'm traveling, I love to spend a whole afternoon sitting at a cafe and just people watching. It's always fun! :)
I'm such a people watcher, myself...oh my gosh, it's such a guilty pleasure. Living in New York, it's just what you do. I love this photo, the woman to the diagonal left behind the redhead has amazing makeup!!!
w is handsdown my favorite magazine!!!
i like the lady with too much eye shadow and a cigarette. she has total smoker's voice.
People watching is always fun.:D
Have a great weekend!:D
***** Marie *****
such a rad shot!
julia - i'm laughing at your comment! that lady totally has a smoker's voice! haha
i love to people watch too.
I love that! Thanks for the inspiration. xoxo
People watching is the best! This really is a great image. Have a great weekend :-)
i can't stop staring at miss polka dot giving someone across the room a sex look.
great shot!
i just love the lady in the pill box hat...she's really rock'n the eyeshadow!
I adore people watching and imagining their stories: how they got there, who they're with, what they're thinking... And this picture is endlessly interesting.
I definitely am too..I will never tire of it either:)
Julie xo
Everyone seems so interested in something, except the woman in the red coat. What's going on to the left, what is almost everyone looking at over there?
I luvs me some people watchin'!
i loveeeee this.
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