After weeks of deliberation, P finally decided on being "Spidergirl" for halloween. Only problem? There is no "Spidergirl" costume. Didn't matter though my little P will be rocking a full on Spiderman outfit complete with upper torso mega muscles! It's altogether the cutest and funniest thing you've ever seen on a 4 year old with a bob and purse on her arm. I'm sure I'll have pics to share next week.
P and I also had the privilege and pleasure of attending an advanced screening of Megamind yesterday courtesy of aunt Christiane:) P's unofficial review ... "it was awesome." And of course I loved it because Happenstance favorite Tina Fey was in it along with Ferrell, Pitt, Hill & Cross. All people that crack me up. Well not Brad so much, but he's still a draw. The movie was in 3-D which was more fun than I thought it would be and the funnies are definitely present. I definitely recommend seeing it when it releases November 5.
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Here's to a productive week:)
Photo: Flickr
OMG! my my goodie-mega cookie...love love! am such a chocolate girl! xoxo
Mmm nothing like classic chocolate chip cookies! I thought Megamind looked good- thanks for validation : )
That sounds like a perfect weekend! I love TF!
How funny!! Lila is dead set on spidergirl as well - totally obsessed...her mimi made her costume but there is a girl version in that over the top Chasing Fireflies catalog as well...I think the boy costume is a cooler way to go though ;)
I can't wait to see her costume, sounds hilarious!
Oh yum! What a great DIY momma you are!! Your kids are so lucky to have you!
You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed them. And it sounds like you had a great time with P's costume hunt and the movie! I'm beginning to think all Tina Fey touches will turn to gold.
I can not wait to see P's costume! sounds too too cute! oxoxo!
You lucky duck you. I can't wait to see that movie!
Those cookies just made me incredibly happy. I think i want to pick one up later before I go to class. I'm so excited to hear about your hair cut. I'm kind of living vicariously through you because I'm dying for a cut, but can't get into the city to see my stylist because of the bebe...soon...soon.
Glad to hear it was awesome! You can't beat Will Ferrell and Brad Pitt's voiceovers in a movie - destined to be good!
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