Then I got to thinking about that hideously expensive high school in LA that cost $578 million dollars to build. All I could think was how these "school officials" could've taken a fraction of that money and still built a well-designed, modern high school for those kids and the rest could've been used to build hundreds of public open-air kindergartens like this throughout the state.
It's funny when you think about it. These "school officials" themselves would've benefitted from a learning environment like this as they would most certainly have figured out a better way to spend $578 million dollars more creatively.
What a lovely environment!
My young cousins attend a montessori school, and their program is so interesting. I really wish more schools moved away from the traditional learning environment, and way of teaching. There are many students who do not learn well the traditional way!
What a fun learning environment!:D
I agree with Alyeska, some students find it hard to learn the traditional way.
***** Marie *****
This school rocks, I did not know about the crazy greed, that is beyond appalling!
that looks so neat! :)
So, so true!! Open spaces like this are so good for kids - it connects them to the environment...and look at all that space!!
I think I heard somewhere that the US spends the most out of any country on their education system, and we're still not the most educated in the world. It's kind of sad, the way the money is delegated.
I've heard so many things about how to create a better learning environment, and we really need people implement them (ie: encouraging creativity a la Ken Robinson).
I can't believe that much money was spent on a high school! It's unheard of. And I fully agree with you -- it's innovative spaces like this open air kindergarten that we need more of. There are some days that I so want to go into politics just so I can try to fix things.
Everything about the Japanese school system is so advanced and has been since the beginning. I envy those kids who's learning environment is tailored to help them succeed. That's what it's all about.
wow this is great! thanks for posting it.
Haha you are SO right! They would definitely benefit from learning environments like those.
Most schools are open-air here, mostly because of the heat. I've been scouting around pre-schools for Emma so she can spend some time with the kiddies and I think it is such a difficult thing to decide - wish you luck!
there you go! one more reason i love japan. i swear it's the happiest place on earth. so cool haydee!
ps - can't believe little p is going to preschool! so cute. :)
such a great kindergarten. wish more schools were innovative like this. i think the old styles of learning are going to be changing drastically in the next decade or two.
$500M+ on one school when probably the majority of LA needs better schools, more teachers, new books, smaller classrooms? despicable.
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