First of all, I don't know this girl but this photo is befitting for two reasons. One, I
finally went to bikram yoga last night where we do this exact pose. And two she's doing the Standing Bow Pose in front of the Pannikin–one of my fav places where I had coffee with
Heather just last week.
And it was Heather who encouraged me to get my depleted butt to bikram last night. Do you see the full circle here? Doesn't stop there ... during class our yoga instructor mentioned they were celebrating some guy who had just completed his 500th straight day of bikram yoga (
can you imagine?). And then when I went to publish this very post I realized it's my 500th post! What the fun is going on? All sorts of intertwining happenings going on here. Can someone please translate?
More importantly though, yoga was amazing. It's exactly what I needed to hit the reset button. Been doing it for the better part of the last 7 or 8 years but lost my way the last few months. But no fear, I'm back on my yogame. Plus, bikram is the only form of exercise that doesn't bore me to pieces–there's a lot to achieve with each pose. I mean after 8 years you'd think I'd be pro, but far from it.
P.S. Even though I don't know who this girl is, something tells me we're only one degree of separation.
I've seemed to have "lost my way" in the last few months on physical activity in general... sad, but true. I have a cousin and a friend in Santa Monica who are very much involved in yoga (and it shows- internally and externally). I'm sure I can ask them, but I'll ask you as well-
Any tips on getting started? (reset button needed:)
Isn't Bikram the most intense of anything ever? I haven't done it for about a year, but it blew my mind. Glad you're enjoying it - you may have inspired me to take it up again...
i love everything about this post.
I've been on a little journey for a while now... Finally starting to see the light. It's super hard working, juggling kids & being a wife... Oh you can't forget trying to fit in a social life. lol I'm trying to put it all together smoothly. Hmmm not happening so well... But, at least I’m trying! I was advised as well to go & do yoga ASAP & drink tons of water. Have been drinking the water, but haven't done the yoga quite yet. shhh I have a secrete I am the most non flexible person in the whole wide world... NO JOKE! I try & try, but it just doesn't happen. Now that I’ve written a book I must go & drink my coffee & wake up! Thanks for sharing... I love your BLOG & you too!!! :)
500th day of bikram????? holy cow.
synchronicity is fun!! 500th post?..way to go!
That is freaky! Wow... and if you blog everyday you and he will always have that same number in common if he Bikrams everyday. Even freakier.
I love Bikram yoga but cannot handle being around that many sweaty people I am strange, I know.
So happy to hear your class was so special and congrats on the 500th blog post! XO
Nice work lady! I have only heard amazing things about hot yoga but I am so frightened to try it!! Perhaps this post will inspire me to try again :)
I did Corepower yoga at 6am this morning and it felt amazing! It's so hard to get out of bed, but once I'm there in the heat, there's no other way I'd rather start the day! Looooove this photo! Have a great day Haydee! xo
I love yoga but for some reason I loved it more when I was pregnant... I'm still trying to get my butt off bed in the morning so that I can sign up for lessons, which I desperately need!
that's so awesome, I love it with life comes together like that!
Don't you love Bikrim? There is something about the sweat out that makes you feel so fulfilled.
I like that it is the same, yet so different each time. It's comforting and challenging all at once. I need to get back to it too. x
um, you are funny.
i say, "what the cuss" sometimes when i don't really want to cuss, but want the effect of cussing.
Happy 500th:). Very cool.
I recognized the Pannikin immediately. I think I need to start some bikram yoga classes myself -- might just help me relax a bit more. And as for all the coincidences, I think the world sometimes just works like that. It's fantastic, isn't it?
And happy 500th post!!
Happy 500th post!! You're inspiring me to go to yoga tonight - yeah!!
I love this post! I am hooked on yoga and it has become a daily priority for me. The hot yoga kicks my a*& but I love it.
And congrats on your 500th post! That is amazing!
Yoga is really amazing...I'm happy for you that you got back into it. I'm sort of in the same boat, I get into these spaces where I do so much and then time lapses and then I start up again!
Love your blog too:)
Julie xo
i so need to get my booty back to yoga. i LOVE the hot yoga. you've re-inspired me to find a new studio in portland!
what the fun is going on here? haha! i love you haydee!
dang that is crazy! i totally feel like everyone is 1 degree these days!
So fun to see Pannikin, one of my favorite places too. Reminds me of my lovely days in CA, meeting friends for coffee. Miss you!
I've always wanted to try bikram yoga, and you just might've given me the inspiration to do it!!
I just got back from Pannikin!
Hi! I just stumbled on your blog and immediately saw Pannikin! I'm there every week! I love your blog :)
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