Cyrus ...

Not sure when, but I will be seeing this. Cyrus comes out tomorrow and it looks so funny. In brief, a divorced man (John C. Reilly) finds the woman of his dreams (Marisa Tomei), but her awkward son (Jonah Hill) isn't having it. Just looking at Jonah's expressions makes me laugh–love him. The HuffPost gave it a pretty good review.

Bonus: Catherine Keener's in it too and everyone's current fave song by ES & TMZ is in the trailer here.


1. TheBeautyFile said...

I can not WAIT to see this. I love the entire cast and know it's going to be a laughing riot!!

2. lisa c. said...

i love your blog; you are awesome.

3. Brandi said...

SOOO checking out this trailer. I haven't been too excited about any of the movies coming out this summer (though I keep teasing my boyfriend that I'm going to make him see Eclipse with me).

4. Heather Feemster said...

I agree, looks funny!!

Thanks for the kind words, love you girl. xo

5. rikshaw design said...

haven't seen previews and can't wait..but a great line up..i look at jonah hill and smirk..i want to share a beer or 2 with him!

6. Jen said...

This movie looks so good! Marisa was on Ellen today and the clip they showed looked amazing. Can't wait to see it!

7. rikshaw design said...

OMG i just wached the trailer..the scene when he is dead pan staring at him in the rear view mirror..HILARIOUS!

8. julia wheeler said...

holy crap... i hadn't seen the previews for this yet! this is going to be amazing! john c. reilly in anything is just glorious! add in jonah hill and it's done and done!

9. dulci said...

haha - I saw the trailer for this. Looks hilarious!

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