Never actually been into tea towels until now. It's the graphics of course. So instead of actually using them I want to frame them. I'm picturing them framed the same and aligned on one large wall. A hallway perhaps? These puppies are from House Industries where they happen to be sold out, but if you email reservations@houseind.com they'll notify you when they're available again.
They were all the rage in the UK this past summer. I should have just stocked up on those English ones. Love them, also.
I really want one of the House Industries' ampersand tees. I've been e-stalking them for around 5 years now!
i have an obsession as well. it's the only thing that seems to brighten up my tiny kitchen.
Oh, these tea towels are great. Yes, for the graphics, of course. I like how the ampersands all together look sort of like Arabic. You have to get your hands on the 'H' one!
OMG! That is SO weird, H!!!!!!!! I love these. We must be sharing the same thoughts today!
The prints are lovely. Glad to see this inspirations for my kitchen collections.
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I could sure frame these ones as well... they're rad ;)
Love the black and white...so cute!!
Tea towels always make my heart flutter. I want to frame these:)
Have a wonderful weekend!
:) Anna
Oh these are great...They would be very cool framed, but I think I will need 2 sets...I would have to have ones to use as well!
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