So I was going to say to have a "Dino-mite" weekend, but I decided not to sound too cheesy. Although I just shared my cheese potential, didn't I? My 3 y/o is super into dinosaurs and I think it's pretty funny how these little guys incorporate themselves into all of our lives. Like this photo. I think he was guarding my coffee this morning while I worked. Yup, "worked." The hubs is home today so I am getting some uninterrupted work time this am. Both Happenstance and
TPS have been keeping me busier than usual and I couldn't be happier about it. Thanks for the support on both ends!
What are you up to this weekend? We're going to meet with one of our favorite families tomorrow for dinner and show them around Belmont Shore in Long Beach. Then on Sunday I plan to watch the Oscars and of course the red carpet. Although I have to say that I'm not as hyped about 'em as I was the Globes. Is that weird? I am looking forward to Billy Crystal hosting them though. Are you? Hope everyone has a great weekend! Group hug:)
...and a wonderful Oscar weekend to you! xo Lola
I was so looking forward to this Friday post. Makes me happy just thinking about it. Group hug back!
Cute! Have a great weekend
I plan to watch the Oscars too! I'm having a little party and making macaroni cups and some kind of dessert, TBA. I also have this coffee cup with an M on it!
super adorable... you've totally been working your butt off!! p.s. you got us those mugs for my bridal shower and they're still my fave:)
I would have loved the chessy "dino mite" comment. :)
Dinos and race cars show up everywhere round here. It's pretty awesome.
Weekend sounds lovely.
hope you got to rest and have some fun. and congrats on the happy busy times =)
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