So this is what the desk of (
arguably) the most influential and powerful woman in the world looks like. Just four years before starting her very own (
no pun intended) network. So far this looks nothing like my workspace. What I do have is personalized stationary, but no Montblanc writing tool like Ms. Winfrey. I do have earl grey tea, but no Herm
ès teacup and saucer. So just a few things I have to work on.
However, I was really excited to see that Ms. Winfrey and I share a love for both hydrangeas and peonies! I was
literally just saying last night that these were
my two
favorite flowers!
I haven't watched her OWN network yet, but I do have her new series 'Master Class' set to record every Sunday night. I'm anxious to watch last weeks with Diane Sawyer. Anyone see it? I'm bummed I missed the Jay-Z one, but I'm sure I can find it on this here internet. Oh, and I just read this morning on
The HuffPost that Oprah's network is slated to turn a profit in its first year. That is unheard of with any start-up at least within the first 2-3 years. Damn, she's good. Gotta get working on my desk.
She's amazing. I need to check out all she's up to...I'm a bit behind I think. And though her desk is gorgeous, I highly doubt it looks like this all the time. Take some solace in that.
I love her! Do you remember cribs on MTV? This is like that, only with more style and more realistic. I can actually see her at this desk. And a Hermes anything sounds amazing.
ya soo not what my cube looks like, or my workspace at home..gotta get on that.
maybe that will change it all
for some reason i dont have the OWn network? annoyance..how will she have world dominance without me watching her?!?!
My 2 most favorite flowers too! Awesome post, well done Dear.
This desk is gorgeous. Don't forget she has numerous assistants to keep it organzied. Loved her recent interview with Barbara Walters and I'm excited to see what's on OWN...
Could she be any more fabulous? I mean, snail mail and Hermès teacups are about as chic as it gets in my book. Very cool post!
Just like I pictured it. Perfect!
LOVE LOVE LOVE! The desk is to die for...well done!
Ms. Winfrey is the embodiment of alchemy!
Oh the envy!!
My "desk" is my kitchen table and I usually have to push a cat or two away to get to my laptop. I kinda like it like that;)
I think you've got the important parts covered....the Hermes tea cup and montblanc pen are optional, don't you think? Though I saw an hermes tray the other day and *swoon*
Wow I wish I could copy this & get her confidence & fame. She is an amazing woman! =)
Melanie's Randomness
wow.... so not what my desk looks like right now! haha
Does tea taste better in an Hermès cup? I'd venture to say, yes, yes it does.
My father-in-law is a pen fanatic and has many a gorgeous writing tool. He's an educator and strongly believes in learning penmanship. He frequently sits at his desk, dips his fountain pens in teeny tubs of colorful ink and writes with them for hours on end. I used to turn my nose up at him spending a fortune on magnificent pens while I ogled designer handbags, but now I've come to appreciate them. I have to admit, writing thank you notes {from a four month old} with a fabulous pen is legitimately less painful than with a Bic. Believe me, I know.
Wow, this is probably crafted by ten stylists. But Oprah is still amazing, we can't deny it.
Ah, such good timing with this post. Just two days ago I remembered OWN and went searching for the channel on my tele. I can't wait to watch Master classes. So good.
Love her desk. Love. Love. Love.
what an interesting post! loved to spend some time reading about what was on her desk. so inspiring in so many little ways ;)
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