Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had exceptionally warm weather here in So Cal which made for a perfect day at the beach for the 4th Annual Adler Paddler event we attended. So many friends and family gathered for a fun day of paddling to celebrate the life of a friend who was lost five years ago. It was definitely a memorable and beautiful day in the sunshine.
I also wanted to share a great book I finished this weekend called The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson.
I wasn't so much looking for a book about money as I was looking for a good read by the always inspiring Marianne Williamson. But once I read the inside jacket of the book I was hooked. One of my (many) takeaways from the book went something like this ... We don't "make" money. When we work with a righteous heart the universe provides accordingly "through" other people. And in turn, money goes "through" us as we continue to move money forward at our favorite restaurant, shop, or perhaps on a gift for someone. Point being, the universe always provides because there is abundance all around. And when you do things, like work with a righteous heart, you attract even more abundance.
It really is a great read for anyone looking to attract abundance, and even for those who feel they have more than enough or too much (I know these people too–it's completely valid!). The perspective Marianne gives on money is really great and eye opening. I highly recommend! Have a great work week everyone.
Hi Haydee!
I just read a book about money that was incredible too, called "The Soul of Money" by Lynne Twist. I wasn't really looking to read a book about money when I picked it up either, but it got crazy good reviews on Amazon, so I picked it up. It is SO good, I'm recommending it to everyone I know. It really gives you a spiritual perspective about money and how it affects us. If you're looking to read more, I highly highly recommend it :)
(One of my favorite aspects is when she talks about the myth of scarcity - how the first thing we think when we wake up is "I didn't get enough sleep". Then throughout the day, "I don't have enough time", "I don't have enough energy", "I didn't get enough done", etc. And of course, "I never have enough money. Ever." She discusses that we need to stop living in scarcity and start living in sufficiency.)
Incidentally, I also ordered Marianne Williamson's "A Return To Love" with that order. Now I'll have to check out this one you recommend too :)
Love that thought about money! Wow!
And my heart skipped a beat when I saw Lillian comment. I love her so and much her beautiful blog.
I can't wait to read this!
Lillian! So good to see you on here! Thank you for the recommendation, I think I'll check it out too! I plan on reading A Return To Love as well. Sounds like we're on the same page:)
Tiffany: I obviously did the same:)
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