Mid-Week Links ...

It's Wednesday! Is it time to get silly yet? I for one am excited for the cooler weather that's starting to happen 'round these parts. I've been totally in the mood to grab my cozy blanket and a cup of tea (or a glass of wine;) for our prime time hang out sessions after the kids go to bed. Hope you're having a great week so far. Here are some mid-week links for you!

Secretly hoping these are named after me.

Sew your hair? Wow, it does looks cute. Featuring the talented and hilarious Becca:)

This video of Fred Armisen as Penny Marshall is brilliantly hilarious. (scroll down a sec to watch)

Super cute hair clips from my friend Kimberli's new shopThis one is perfect for halloween. And this one, and this one.

After a year of memory training, author Joshua Foer found himself in the USA Memory Championship finals. Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything is now on my list of must-reads.

This made me laugh this morning.

Kind of obsessing over these. Black or Cashew?

Photo: Angelo Pennetta


Tiffany Kadani said...

Oh, those were totally named after you. That reminds me... I totally love your name.

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