So my paraben-free mission continues. Remember this post? It's been a while, but I've updated some of the products I use and thought I'd share.
First up is the Yes To Tomatoes Blemish Clearing Towelettes. Why you ask? Because for some hairball reason my forehead has decided to hark back to my teenage years and break out every so slighty. I blame it on the warm weather (causing sweating) and my bangs which I am now growing out.
Speaking of sweating ... last time I tried out the Tom's of Maine deodorant but it didn't quite work for me. So I went on the hunt again for an aluminum-free deodorant and it was suggested that I try Crystal Body Deodorant Spray. And guess what? I love it! Now, it doesn't last forever so I do have to keep it in my bag for the occasional re-spray (max. twice a day) but it feels so refreshing and natural (and worth getting away from that aluminum!). Will be great for summer!
I was inspired to try coconut oil from this post. So now we use it in our smoothies along with my trusty Zico (natural flavor)–great for the kids too! I've also been adding coconut oil to my afternoon tea as well thanks to some encouragement from Carrie. I've yet to try it in my beloved coffee. Has anyone ever used in coffee yet?
With the weather warming up I was eager to find something natural for my face, that would go on well and had sun protection. Enter Josie Maran's Argan Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 30. I get a moisturizer, foundation and SPF all in one. I'm very happy about that. And so is my pocketbook.
What about you guys? Any new, natural products you're using that you'd like to share? I love to hear.
P.S. Don't forget Alexis's Simplicity Parenting book discussion starts today. Each day a different chapter will be discussed. I will be co-hosting a discussion on the "Rhythm" chapter this Thursday. Join us!
I love the Josie Maran sunscreen but haven't tried the tinted moisturizer. I'm still using Laura Mercier for that. And thanks for the natural deoderant rec- have had terrible luck with those. Any thoughts on a good sulfate free shampoo/conditioner? I have been using Alterna Bamboo for a while now and it's ok but not amazing. I read your old post and saw everyone raving about ExfoliKate- I use it and love it, too.
My big healthy news is I bought a vitamix today! Hope it's as great as everyone says because wow, was it pricey!
I want to try that tinted moisturizer. I'm trying more and more to go natural.
Jurlique has some nice products - I use their face wash and eye cream and really love it. I want to try Aesop too buy not sure that's all organic.
I keep parabens (and silica) at arm's length too...
I use Origins and Follow Me products which are paraben free:) I live in Singapore which is a huge importer of products hence I don't think some of the products you listed are carried here :/
I bought a jar of Coconut Oil from Trader Joe's because my hair stylist recommended it as a leave in conditioner (you use just a touch). Since then I've been using it for everything, skin, lips--smells great--and cooking. It has a high flash point so really healthy for frying.
The best deodorant I have found is the simplest, white vinegar. I spray some on a piece of cotton cloth and rub under arms. It doesn't stop me from sweating, but I can be drenched in sweat and still not smell. The other thing I did was start making my own toothpaste, mix equal parts baking soda and coconut oil (and some essential mint oil if you want) and voila, healthy toothpaste. Even natural toothpaste contains glycerin, which coats teeth and doesn't let them remineralize.
i want to try that tinted moisturizer (even though i love mine... i know it's not natural so i'm probably killing myself by putting it on every morning!)
I've tried the coconut water before and love it. To be honest though, it was hard to get used to, but once you make it a habit, your taste buds adjust and it's pretty good, never tried coconut oil before so that'll def. be something to check out!
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