Have A Great Weekend ...

And here we are at the first Friday of 2012. So how was this first week of the new year for you? Let's see, Eric went back to work this week, I took down all of the Christmas decorations, went to the Agenda trade show where I ran into many friends, oh and I wrote my 900th post this week ... 900th! I can't even begin to get my head around that. In fact, I'm not even gonna try. It's so baffling to me, but I know I've had fun every step of the way. So thank you for reading this here blog:)

Also, be sure to pre-order Lizzie's book Tomboy Style: Beyond the Boundaries of Fashion. You will not regret it, it's going to be a best seller. You heard it here people. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Group hug:)


torrie said...

happy 2012, and HAPPY friday :).

Tiffany Kadani said...

Tomboy style? Nice! This speaks to my inner weekender. Congrats on 900 posts. They keep getting better and better.

rooth said...

900! That is more than impressive. Congrats!

Theresa / InspirationCOOP said...

Yay to 900 and to a very productive week! It's only been a week, but 2012 already feels like a nice pair of broken in shoes. Have a great weekend, H!

My Beautiful World said...

So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I'm now following you, wonderful to meet new friends. Hope you find a spare minute to visit and follow me sometime if you like. Sending you special wishes for a wonderful New Year I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012.
Always Wendy

julia wheeler said...

900 rad posts... thanks for always inspiring us, haydes!

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