So tell me, is there something you've been wanting to do that makes you wonder what you're waiting for? I have to say that I'm totally and completely relieved that I finally took the plunge with the graphic design course I'm taking. I've dabbled in graphic design for personal enjoyment, but nothing serious. But finally connecting my passion for it, and taking a course to get me to the next level of growth feels so ... right. Which begs the question, what took me so long? It's the best decision I've made for myself in a long time–"myself" being the operative word here. It's definitely something you lose track of once you have kids or even get so deep in a career you thought you wanted. Which is okay, and necessary even. So long as you come back to yourself. So tell me, is there something you're waiting to take the plunge on?
Image/Graphic: Julian Bialowas
oh, dear...you are so right! I feel like in the waiting line for a while now, but I cannot decide yet which way I wanna go..fingers crossed!
all best wishes on your new adventures! xoxo
LOVE that photo! good for you, i hope you love the classes. i need to get my act together and finish my freelance graphic design website finished! xoxo jillian:: stop by! i'm hosting a jewelry giveaway
I am waiting to go back home.
Photography. Studying the technical side
Ha! You had to ask this question, didn't you? Well, food writing, photography, horseback riding, tap classes, creative writing... the list goes on. Why haven't I done it? Because I'm worried it will result into nothing.
I love this post. It is so very true - the need to honor the inner you. {maybe I should take up poetry. haha. kidding} I use to surf when I lived in Virginia but have never braved the CA waves. I am thinking of getting in some surf lessons. Wanna join me? Oh and I can't get enough cooking classes. xo Samantha
Gumption (isn't this a great word?). Sometimes it just takes awhile to build enough of it up to take action. Or you just get bored and need a change.
Thanks for the reminder!! Congrats on taking the plunge yourself.
I actually have a list of things I want to do -- everything from take fiddle lessons to start my own etsy store. But I've been waiting until I was finished with school and am settled to take those plunges. Not such bad reasons right? But after that, I'm diving in head first.
H~You always pick the most beautiful photos! Like you, I would love to quench my graphic design thirst. Hm, what am I waiting for? Permission? As a mom, we sometimes forget to give ourselves permission to nurture our 'self'. But it's so necessary.
Also, like Dancing Branflake, I guess I'm worried it will lead to nothing. But, really, that's ok - Must remember to enjoy the journey, right?
Thanks for this inspiring post,
Gorgeous picture up there! I'm right there with you. My husband and I want more than anything to move from our lifelong home in California to Portland, but this requires me going from a full time job to freelance graphic design. pretty scary! good luck with your leap.
Love this post! Congratulations on persuing your passion!
It's funny, I think of myself as a dreamer, but I really have no idea what I want to be doing besides what I'm doing. I think new motherhood has a way of taking your thoughts and keeping them in one little cubby. I really don't know...
I would like to learn my photoshop program. I got it for my 30th birthday months ago and have NO CLUE how to use it...
i love your honesty. i signed up for a photography class in the fall. like you, I feel so relieved just to even be enrolled. I'm tired of saying photography is my hobby, because it's not. it's what I do! I just need to make money from it. easier said than done....
This post really hit home. So much I want to do. First of all, take a photography class since my skills are lacking. A lot. Congrats on you taking the plunge
two words: the gathered. :)
but on the school front, i want to take more classes or just go back for a masters... someday!! good for you for doing this... it's definitely a talent you already have that you're just honing in on!
Web design. Code.
I'm a graphic designer and have wanted to learn more about back end design.
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