It's 5pm Somewhere ...

For the past two weeks its felt like the week was getting a slow start, then before I knew it Friday would appear. It's like someone is standing in Tuesday with a rope attached to Thursday quickly pulling us closer to Friday, forgetting all about Wednesday. Wow. If you understood that at all, thank you.

Any fun plans for this first weekend of summer? We're officially celebrating Father's Day tomorrow since last weekend was crazy busy for everyone. So I'm looking forward to that. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Group hug:) Enjoy the links ...

One of my favorite shops in San Diego.

Summer in action captured perfectly!

Love this quote.

The kids are getting these for sure this summer.

Krista's tumblr is so good.

Wow, what braid work.


1. julia wheeler said...

i love solo! also, love that you're getting your kids a stylish version of croc-type shoes. of course. :)

2. jaclyn @ thelateafternoon said...

love that image - it looks so relaxing and is making me want to take a road trip to the great outdoors!

3. Ana Degenaar said...

I love love love love love lists. Clicking away! Happy weekend!

4. Tiffany Kadani said...

I soo know how you feel. I really thought that Friday would never get here and lo and behold it is!

Have a wonderful weekend!

5. . said...

ah this reminds me of Sydney...

6. Mary Shouvlin said...

love it. happy friday to you! xo

7. kendall k. said...

um yes, i could easily spend a few hours in that store. Have a great weekend.

8. Vasu said...

so cute....just love it

9. Regan said...

Aahhh I love your blog!
Just found it!

10. ~Grace Happens~ said...

harper has those red jeffersons! my husband used to work for UNIV, so he told me about them awhile ago, but they were sold out for months EVERYWHERE! they got them in just in time for summer though and harper hasn't worn anything else. such cute shoes!

11. Sarah Engel said...

great links!! love this pic. hope you had a nice weekend. xo

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