"from Osaka Japan, we're okay. Thanks."
It's nice to hear a sliver of positive coming from a place that has experienced such disaster and loss. While we go about our weekend we'll be sending positive thoughts, prayers and energy to the people of Japan. Hope everyone has a good one. Group hug:)
this is perfect. in every way!
well i just died. thanks.
I love this! Thanks for sharing :)
Darling. Thanks for this :) xo
The devastation of Japan is intense, my prayers are with them as well. These two are cute, nice post.
ohhhh...heartbreaking photo/caption.
Absolutely adorable, even showed my partner he agreed! Too Kawaii andunder the circumstances breaks your heart at the same time, lovely little reflective post, Thank you :)
Heartbreaking... thanks for sharing with us xx
omg too sweet. xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams
I wonder how you explain something like this to a child when I have trouble understanding it myself.
It makes me so touched when I hear from my Facebook friends that they are okay. They are all definitely in my prayers tonight.
A glimmer of hope in the face of disaster. I wrote about Japan too.
Do read it on my blog.
scary, scary time. i like this post very much.
Every picture tells a story...there little faces say so much.
you are so right, its always refreshing to see human nature look for the best in any situation. perseverance is never lost within our species. i really enjoy your blog and im happy i came across it. hopefully you can check mine out :)
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