one thing Kate and I have in common. I too think it gets better as I get older. I think it's true what they say about really starting to
live in your 30's. I feel extremely blessed at this point in my life. And today I will think of all the things and people that fill my life and make me feel complete.
My birthday weekend was perfect. All meals were made for me, I had to clean nothing, I had a birthday cake with a dinosaur on it, a bouquet of balloons, flowers, I enjoyed a glass of wine during the Laker game yesterday afternoon (yeah Lakers!), and I had a Dutch baby for breakfast as per my request. I have the best husband and family!
Hope you had a great weekend too!
Happy Birthday, Haydee! I hope the celebrating continues - to a happy year ahead filled with really living :)
Happy Birthday! And I must say I agree with you and Kate. As I get older I am beginning to realize life doesn't have to be as complicated as I've made it in the past. Things can be lovely without trying to make it so. And the little things are what matters. Hooray for aging - body, mind and soul.
That sounds amazing. I am so glad you had an amazing birthday weekend--with dinosaur cake, no less!
On my end, since it was the significant other's birthday weekend, I was doing all of the cleaning and cooking. I enjoyed it, and I'm sure your husband did too.
Happy birthday! I agree, my 30's are the best so far!! Have a wonderful day! xoxo
This makes me feel much much much better. You have no idea how much I've been stressing about getting older.
so glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend. and, it does help to hear that getting older isn't so bad! I'm turning 29 on wednesday, and while I know that's not old, I'm keenly aware that it's the last year of my 20s...hoping that what everyone says about your 30s being the best decade is true!
I am with you on this one too! 30 is feeling great, like I am finally knowing myself better, in so many respects.
Happy birthday. Happy to hear it was a great time.
That sounds like a wonderful Birthday weekend:) Happy Birthday to you and I totally agree that everything is getting better with age:)...Have a fantastic Monday. Kisses
Happy birthday friend! I can't wait until we are reunited :)
glad to hear you say that things get better as you get older. i always hated when people would try to tell me that high school and college would be the best days of my lives. i refuse to believe that my life is going to peak at the under-ripe age of 21 and go downhill from there.
also glad you had a great birthday weekend (and that you had a dinosaur cake ;])!!!
Oh! Happy birthday, that sounds perfect. And I agree, now that I'm in my 30's I love the strength and confidence that goes along with it!
Oh, Haydee, I'm so thrilled to hear you had the perfect birthday. And I think it does get better as you get older. I feel wiser and more confident and more daring every year. I only wish I could go back in time and tell my 20-year-old self what I know now.
Happy Belated Birthday. This post makes me happy because well, I feel like I should be having all this fun in my 20's but 28 is just as confusing as ever. Three cheers for 3 decades I suppose!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, gorgeous!!! So happy you had the perfect weekend. I'd say being waited on hand and foot is the best present, EVER. Also, agree that older is better...I had no idea what I was doing in my early-mid 20s and must admit my self assuredness is BOOMING in my short stint in my 30s thus far.
Enjoy every single minute of your day...week...month...
What's a dutch baby? Must google this. Thinking it's a baby born with an Amstel?
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Haydee.... Happy Birthday to you.
love to you! alexis
happy birthday! i am glad you had a great weekend :) the dinosaur cake sounds cute. xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams
Happy Birthday! Great to hear you were catered to, you deserved every minute of it. Your family is the best and so are you!! xo
Glad you had a great birthday! Love that quote :)
I Would love a dinosaur cake too - Happy birthday - sound like a fab day. And yes Kate Moss just keeps getting better - like all of us :)
A xx
ounds perfect! happy late birthday!
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