Design Conscious Scrabble ...

Typography and Scrabble lovers unite! It's the A-1 Scrabble designer edition designed by the talented Andrew Capener. It comes in your choice of font or with an assorted font pack. How fun is that?! Unfortunately it's not in production ... yet. You can sign up (I did) to find out more information which will then in turn increase the probability of this game set going into production. Fun, educational, design conscious, board game? Love it!
Via Good


1. Siri said...

I can't believe no one has thought of this before. I MUST HAVE!

2. Tiffany Kadani said...

So freakin smart and cute! I want!

3. Brandi said...

This is beautiful -- and what fun to reimagine the board in this way. (Though I wonder if it would be a bit harder for me to make words with the letters all in different fonts.)

4. TheBeautyFile said...

Amazing!! I would have a very hard time choosing my font. I'd probably get two- one very old school style {like "There Will Be Blood"} and another of assorted. I love the way an old set of Scrabble smells. That's not weird.

5. YnR said...

Love the look of the tiles! I've been meaning to get a new set and why not get a nice special one now? Thanks for sharing!

6. Gabriella {sensiblyluxe} said...

Oh goodness, I love Scrabble. It is one of the few things I am much too competitive about. I will have to sign up, but given my reputation, I don't know if I will find anyone to play with me!

7. Krissy :: Miss B and Hustle said...

Scrabble is my favorite game of all time! But Scrabble stylized? This is amazing! Thanks for posting!!

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