Summer In January ...

It's hard to believe that just this week there was documented snow in 49 out of the 50 states in the U.S. I say this because, even though we were one of the states with snow, it's actually very summer-like today in Southern California. Temperatures are supposed to reach 79 degrees today! In the middle of January! Which brings me to my late post today (sorry). I've been out and about already this morning with the sunroof open, music blaring and hair flying with wild, teenage abandon. It's funny what the sun and a little vitamin D will do to you. I even visited an estate sale that my mom tipped me on (thanks mom!) that had incredible mid-century furniture and this awesome woven, wood drum stool that I've seen for well over $100, for a mere $35–I bought it! Happy, happy, joy, joy:) So now of course I'm totally inspired to create the cutest vignette around it as fun and colorful as this one pictured.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Can't wait to watch the GG's and the red carpet! Group hug:)


  1. 79 in Southern California?? This calls for a road trip home.

  2. Wow! It is raining buckets here but when it stops it gets that hot. It's overwhelming!

  3. Wow, that's so exciting!! I love finding treasures at fleas/estate sales :) Can't wait to see these fabulous pieces of furniture!! :)
    It's going to be bright and sunny and warm through the weekend! Yay, it'll be a happy weekend!! ;)

  4. and this is why I live here. Love it.

    happy weekend!

  5. You're so cute. This is my favorite part:

    the sunroof open, music blaring and hair flying with wild, teenage abandon...

    I'm beyond jealous and with the temperatures on LAWNG AISLAND reaching about twenty degrees, I've already threatened to move to Cali several times this week.

    SO EXCITED FOR THE GLOBES!!!!!!! I might even live tweet. Hell, I'm totally live tweeting! Join in if you like!

  6. I feel so happy to be in warm weather in California. It makes me feel incredibly happy.

  7. I envy you and your sunbathing! It's nice over here in Northern California also. Have an awesome sunny weekend!

  8. Isn't this weather amazing! I cannot believe the temps they are predicting for this weekend! Can't wait to put my toes in the sand. Have a beautiful weekend! xo Samantha

  9. loving the weather and can't wait for the golden globes!

  10. so jealous of your window down day! It is still so icy and cold in atlanta.

    definetly in on that globes group hug though!

  11. oh my! california sounds like heaven right now. lucky you. enjoy your weekend and have fun watching the golden globes ;)

  12. I'm really glad it's been so warm -- I needed that warm sunlight on my skin. It helps brighten my mood instantly. Hope you're having a lovely weekend, Haydee. I need to get u to LA to see you soon.

  13. I wish I was in Cali right now then! It's so cold here & tons of snow of the ground. Wow what a statistic tho! =P

    Melanie's Randomness

  14. SCORE!! can't wait to see pics of your new place! LB Flea soon! especially if this weather holds up!

  15. Boy am I jealous! It is eight degrees in PA today. Eight.


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