Love her or not, KK looks incredible in the new
W. Her
cover is pretty cheeky too (
no pun intended) with the words "It's all about me, I mean you, I mean me" gracing it. It's a great thing when
W can bring the funnies
and the fashion.
And I know it's been blah, blah blah-ged about already but I've decided I
really like
W's new cover look and overall layout–almost giddy about it. I wasn't sure at first, but I'm sure now you guys. Sleep well.
Oh and my friend Taryn made such a good call with this
song. I get so excited every time I hear it! Great weekend song. Hope everyone has a good one! Group hug:)
I agree with you about this photo -- it's super glam, in all the good ways. And though it's probably been blogged about, this is the first time I'm reading about W, so thank you for sharing, my dear. Have a fantastic weekend, Haydee!
i love her..she is stunning!
i'm not sure if i love her or not...maybe a little indifferent. but you can't deny that she is gorgeous, that's for sure. and i always enjoy it when a mag gets ballsy with their cover!
have a good weekend!
Her glam team is one of the best!:D
***** Marie *****
Oh, I totally love it and actually have yet to see it. I think she's absolutely gorgeous. Stunning photo.
I have not yet received my issue?! wth?
I love Kim (I talk like we're BFFs or something). I watch Keeping up with the Kardashians and "make" Jake watch it with me. He secretly digs it. :)
have a great weekend! thinking of you up in the LBC. oxo
I love her, I even love the way she talks... ok that's too much info but I just want to hang out with her. No not really, but she looks fun.
That photo is gorgeous! I'm not her biggest fan, but I dont mind her either. But it's undeniable she's beautiful!
Ps- I just clicked the link for that song and I am OBSESSED with Like a G6! It's currently my number one running/get motivated song!
I love her...I kind of want to be her best friend. I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with the Kardashians...I want to work at Dash, NYC.
Wow she's so gorgeous!
isn't that song the best!? :)
wow... she looks amazing in this shot. i haven't seen the issue yet... but saw some shots on tv about it. i love W. so rad.
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