2. Was flipping through the new Los Angeles magazine and was startled to read that a child born in L.A. County is more likely to be diagnosed with autism than anywhere else in California! I don't happen to know anyone with autism or autistic children, but when I read about those who do my heart breaks. It's got to be the most gut wrenching experience to deal with since there are so many unanswered questions and theories. One way of dealing with this disorder is by a diet free of wheat and dairy. Which brings me to my sister-in-law Elizabeth who I've been meaning to introduce you to ...
Elizabeth specializes in dietary needs in both adults and children and recently started a blog called Alternative Treats. There she documents and shares her created recipes and experiences with products on the market that pertain to specific dietary needs. The crazy thing about reading about the concentrated autism issue in L.A. is that Elizabeth just moved to L.A. from New York. So definitely pay her a visit if you have any questions or even just to say "hello!" And guess what? She can even bake special birthday cakes for kids with special dietary needs:)
3. For those of you who aren't sure what "PSL" at the bottom of the cup there stands for, it's "Pumpkin Spice Latte." Yup, they're back at Starbucks! And one entire month early! I had one on Sunday and I wasn't sure whether to be happy or sad about that since it definitely ends summer sooner, but then we haven't really had a summer. Bring on fall!
4. Eric and I finally watched The Cove over the weekend. It was altogether a beautiful and heart breaking documentary. Definitely one to watch. Inspiring to say the least.
Hope everyone had a great long weekend. We are in the midst of packing big time (hence posting so late today) as the big move is this weekend. Yikes.
Photo: Coffee
PSLLLLLLL! Want, need, must get!!!
I work with kids with autism in speech pathology. It's such a rough road and I have so much respect and love for their families. It's just so incredibly hard to watch them interact. I hope that diet can help. The child I worked with last year tried no dairy or wheat and they saw pretty minor improvements.
I LOVE your weekend reviews :)
How great that your hubby's back from the East :)
And The Cove...such a haunting yet wonderfully done documentary. I raved about it to everyone - one of the greats.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend you had! :) So glad to hear it :)
Thanks for sharing the link to the blog. Our former neighbor has 2 autistic children, and I know that she will appreciate it, as she is this is and has been a major concern/focus for her.
Yep- worked at Starbucks for 12 years (and my husband still works for the company) so fall has officially arrived when 2 things happen... he brings home a lb. of Starbucks Anniversary Blend and the promotional packet of 'fall materials- always featuring the PSL- arrives in our mail:).
Looks like you're going to need a couple of those for 'packing/moving energy!' Good luck!
how intense is the COVE? Between Food Inc and the Cove I feel like Organic Grains are the only thing one should eat.
I've had some experience teaching young children with autism and really appreciate seeing this here. Also, pumpkin spice lattes rock, hooray for your hubby returning home safely and good luck with your move this weekend!
Thanks for the shout out Haydee. :)
Perhaps I will get some time soon to focus on Autism, and the diets recommended for it. Cutting out casein (protein found in dairy) and gluten (protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye) is only the start...
oy i still need to watch the cove! yay eric! i'm so excited to hear more about his new gig! :)
Yum! Can't wait for my first PSL of the season!
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