I couldn't help but also liken this image to the move we're making. It's blue, but beautiful. Blue because as I mentioned before, we're sad to leave North County and our friends and great neighbors. And beautiful because it's a new adventure, we're still going to be coastal, Eric loves his new role and we're going to be living closer to my parents. You win some and lose some, but mostly we're winning some:)
These blues are fabulous.
new adventures are so much fun...and you'll closer to us as well!!
wait...what?! you're moving? where?
okay, just saw your earlier post. so happy for you guys but so sad you're leaving!! :(
this shot is really quite spectacular. it looks like a painting. x Emily
You know, as stunning as this photograph is, the sight in person really blows you away. My boyfriend and I watched the sunrise over the Canyon last August and all I think about is going back.
I'll print you a copy as a house warming present when you're settled :) Good luck with everything and thank you!
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