But what I love best are the sounds the pool brings. Kids ride their bikes there with towels draped over their shoulders, screaming back and forth to each other. Tweens walk past our house in their "cool" groups chatting about who's gonna be at the pool (I hear everything–it's the cutest). And even the teeny kids pitter-patter by with their bare feet, a swimsuit and goggles excited for their swim lessons. And of course the squeals from the pool, reckless splashing and whistle blowing by the lifeguards brings it all home. It's summertime!
Hope everyone has a great first weekend of summer! Here are a few links I wanted to share ...
So excited for this! ...
You really don't know who just might be reading your blog. Heather didn't ...
Better than reality TV. Follow Kendall as she shares the launch of her line ...
As a mom, I totally related to this:) Don't hold back ...
Photo: Here
I love this post! I remember summers at the city pool in Durham (Northern California). My mom always shouting for me to WALK, not run, and then me crying because I stubbed my toe trying to slow down.
How fun! This is such an awesome photo- so perfect for your post. I love your writing- so evocative! Going to hop on over to those links.
How cool about your community pool, I would've never guessed.
thanks for the props :) you are amazing. xoxo
have a great weekend.
FYI, I am a HUGE Radiohead fan. Can't wait for the new release...that means tour dates?!
Couldn't agree more. There is something so old school and comforting about the idea of a community pool! Have a great weekend :)
You know, it didn't really feel like summer to me until I walked into the humidity and heat on the East Coast. San Diego is just so cool and nice all the time -- I haven't adjusted to that sort of weather in the summer yet.
Have a great weekend, Haydee!
It is the best sound- summer noises that is. Ice cream truck music, bicycle bells, night peepers chirping outside... ah. such bliss. happy summer wknd!
x Emily
I love those sounds too! as much as I love the sea I truly miss splashing around in a pool... Happy Summer!
I love that picture so much! Your post brings back so many memories of hanging out at the city pool and even more clearly, swallowing way too much water while in swim lessons. Those were great days. :)
what a nice thing to have such a close by swimming pool. being from seattle I am still waiting for summer to actually arrive ;( but I guess it just makes any and every minute on the sun even better!
Such a great picture and so fun for you & the kiddies...and who read my blog??? Would love to know! xo
can't wait for the new radiohead album!!!!!
My neighbors have a pool and i hear their children squealing with delight and then a big splash all the time. It never fails to bring a smile to my face. Beautiful blog!
i could go for a leap off the diving board right about now! thank you so much for your sweet comment on my guest post over at high-heeled foot in the door — you're the sweetest! i hope you're having a most wonderful weekend :)
We have kind of the same here - a little old community pool (more like a paddling pool) just nearby. I love it so much and it is such fun to spend the summer hot days there. I miss it now, it look deserted, empty and cold....
Enjoyed reading your post! Like a little sunshine sent to our cold side of the world! :)
To popsicles drips and kicky sandals.
This post is so happy. Summer fruits, warm sun, a swim in the pool rounded off by barbecue in the garden. Let's celebrate summer together;-)
a perfect post for me this sunday. we are sipping our coffee, and reading the paper and i said to my love, don't you love the sound of the kids laughing and playing outside. they are our neighbors and that is such a fun sound of summer too :)
Love all the imagery...I hated it when my mom made us take swimming lessons at the local pool, but now I can't not think about it when summertime comes :)
I agree, those sounds of summer are heart warming. Thanks for the blog mention. xoxoxo
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