I've had a few resumes cross my desk in the past and let me tell you,
none was able to pique my interest upon seeing before reading like this one did. This visual splendor would definitely get attention in any HR office. This also reminded me of a book I read a long time ago called
How Would You Move Mt. Fuji? (great read too if you're a puzzle person). It was one of many questions posed on would-be hires at Microsoft to see how their creative thinking fared. Barry here would be a shoe in.
This is intimidatingly cool.
This is awesome!
I see my fair share of resumes as well, and a little creativity goes a long way in my book. This takes it to a different planet!
Wow, that is amazing!!
Coolest thing ever. I've always been jealous of super cool resumes. I'd love to be daring and go for it myself, but I always chicken out. What a cool idea.
This is so awesome. Why would Barry ever be looking for a job is my question.
How cool!!
I was just at the airport perusing through that book!! :) Good to know that it's a fun read (I love puzzles)!
Very creative and cool!!
Dancing: Good question. Let's just pretend Barry did this for fun k?
Lillian: What a coincidence! It's not only a great read for people trying to find a job, but even better for business' to get crafty with their future hires and creatively maximize productivity.
This is incredible! I'm currently updating my resume to look for some new opportunites - you have me all fired up and inspired.
This is exactly what I needed today - thank you!
thx for posting this... truly inspiring and useful.
This is so cool, and it makes my resume look oh so very lame haha. Great post!
This resume is really fantastic -- I adore people who push the boundaries and do something different. How could this not get him noticed? I would love to see the stack of resumes that arrive in a graphic design firm.
escapade: So happy I got you all fired up on the resume. This is why I love posting things like this. Good luck on putting yours together!
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