Pick Two ...

Which two would you pick? I chose intelligence and emotionally stable. Having these two is attractive, therefore good looking. Right? But then the left brain side of me kicked in and said "hey, it doesn't say you can't fold the paper." So if you fold the triangle down the middle "emotionally stable" becomes one with "good looking." Voilà! You have all three. Am I allowed to pat myself on the back?

Photo: Here


Jayni said...

Hah too funny! Since you are so ingenious, you can definitely have all three. =)

Brandi said...

What I've found is that if the person you're with doesn't have a good heart, it doesn't matter how good looking he is -- that ugliness will show through. I lucked out with all three in my boyfriend. He's not movie-star good-looking, but I still pinch myself now and then to make sure I'm not dreaming.

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

Just once pick good looking and forget the rest, we all need that experience in our lives.

ephemerette said...

Weird - I snipped this from fffound ages ago too! I have a history of dating very intelligent but highly emotionally unstable men who look a bit funny so I'm gonna plump for or nothing thank you very much.... or maybe just find someone hot and stupid? I dunno, all offers will be carefully considered!

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