Drummer Girl ...

Super cute Tennessee Thomas ...

And even cuter with the rest of the band, The Like.

I first saw the top photo of Tennessee on Garance Dore's blog and fell in love with her cute style immediately. Then I slowly but surely learned that she is the drummer for the band, The Like and I was really sold. When I was younger, about 11, I remember my friend Jackie and I started a band in the few minutes we waited to be picked up from soccer practice. She was going to sing and I was going to be the drummer. I was so excited! The band never took shape, in fact it was a memory by next day's recess. I'll just live vicariously through Tennessee for now and admire how she and her bandmates color coordinated their color-blocked outfits. Love them.

Photo: Here
Band: Here


Tiffany Kadani said...

Haha! I have always wanted to be a drummer- they were always so cool with such style. I never did but instead always dated drummers. Not the same at all.

taryn said...

i so wish i was musically talented so i could be in a band!
i just checked out their music and i LOVE it! :D yay... thanks haydee.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah! Sooo cute!

PS - glad you liked the salmon ;)

iamchasingthirty said...

Kind of obsessed with those heart tights. I am pretty sure I had the same pair when I was 4 or so - but the pattern smaller. Ha! Love it.

Joanna Goddard said...

these shots are so adorable!

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